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3D Applier


What are these buttons?

1. Stripes button — to watch a currently applied texture

2. Dash line button — to download the drawing guides for the current model

3. BW mask button — to download the mask for the current model

Tutorial on YouTube

How to draw?

1. Choose a model from the third slide, click on them to switch (or do it here, there is also a "download the model" button near the submition button)

Tutorial 1

2. Download the image hint, or the mask image, or all together

Tutorial 2

3. In your favourite soft, create a texture and distribute it according guides

4. Test your textures in 3D Applier by choosing them in the Apply button's popup window

5. Submit the form with your artwork


The color of inner sides of models can be changed by filling the background of textures, black space on masks

Use left click or single touch, hold, and move to revolute models

Use wheel or double touch and move to fly closer to models or further away from them

To change the background color, you need to define it and click the button one more time

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